
Otherwise known as “what are all these wX, wY type variables about and why the **** do they stop my code compiling?”


The “big idea” of darcs is that “patches” are first-class objects and that reordering (commuting) and merging them are fundamental operations.

This is reflected in the code where it’s very common to take an value representing a patch and commute/merge it so that it applies in a different context in the repository.

When a patch is commuted or merged, its “identity” - the PatchInfo part - is preserved, but the representation of the patch might change. For example, suppose we have two patches A and B that start out in sequence with B coming after A. Assume A adds 2 lines to a file starting at line 3, and B adds 3 lines to the file starting at line 8. Then if we commute B to come before A, the offsets need to be adjusted so that the lines in B are now added starting at line 6.

Conceptually, the context is just the set of all the patches physically “before” the patch being worked with - but we only rarely pass this around explicitly.

If we try to apply a specific representation of a patch in the wrong context, we can easily end up with repository corruption. The goal of “type witnesseses” is to reduce the number of coding errors of this kind.


The basic idea of type witnesses is to use phantom types to track the context in which a specific patch value applies. Then if we try to apply it in the wrong context, we will hopefully get a type error telling us that the type variables - i.e. the contexts - don’t match. The phantom types tracking the contexts are the type variables wX, wY etc - the w prefix is just a convention. The name “type witnesses” arises from the idea that the phantom types are “witnesses” for the actual contexts.

This isn’t foolproof. There are times when we either have to assert to the type checker that the contexts really are the same even when it can’t see that (unsafeCoerceP), or where we are constructing primitive patch values and the type checker allows us to specify any context we like, so we have to be careful to pick the right one.

Ideally there would be a “trusted” low-level API to handle this and higher-level code that could never do anything unsafe. At the moment there isn’t a clear separation like this.

Core concepts

We often see type witnesses in pairs. For example,

patch :: Patch wX wY

is a patch whose starting context is wX and whose ending context is wY. [In reality there are lots of different patch types in the darcs code, and we will often see a type variable p instead of a concrete patch type.]

Another common place to see witnesses is on the repository type, where they come in threes:

repo :: Repository p wR wU wT

This is a repository object (containing patches of type p), where the “recorded” state of the repository is wR, the “unrecorded” state is wU, and the “tentative” state is wT. “Tentative” is used to give darcs operations transactional semantics: during a single transaction, the tentative state starts out as the recorded state, is incrementally updated, and once we are ready to commit the transaction, the recorded state is overwritten on disk with the tentative state in a single atomic operation (a file move).

Because a Repository represents an on-disk object (whereas individual patches are passed around solely in memory), the safety of the witness abstraction is somewhat weaker for repositories. For example if we have a function

addPatch :: p wT1 wT2 -> Repository p wR wU wT1 -> IO (Repository p wR wU wT2)

that updates the (on-disk) tentative state with an extra patch, there is nothing to stop the calling function continuing to use the original repository object with the now-incorrect tentative state wT1.


The Origin witness type is a special type witness that represents the “beginning” context, i.e. an empty repository state with no patches. It’s defined in Darcs.Patch.Set.

FL vs RL

One of the biggest inconveniences of type witnesses is that they often prevent us from using “standard” Haskell container types.

For example, while [Patch wX wY] is a perfectly valid type, it isn’t very useful: it’s the type of a list of patches, all of which have the same starting and ending contexts wX and wY.

Much more common is to want a list of patches that apply in sequence, so that the ending context of one patch is the starting context of the next.

One type we can use for this is FL, defined in Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered:

-- | Forward lists
data FL p wX wZ where
    (:>:) :: p wX wY -> FL p wY wZ -> FL p wX wZ
    NilFL :: FL p wX wX

If you ignore the type witnesses, this is exactly the same as the normal Haskell list type - the two constructors (:>:) and NilFL correspond to (:) and [].

So what extra do the type witnesses tell us? Let’s start with NilFL:

NilFL :: FL p wX wX

In other words, the starting and ending contexts for an empty list of patches must be the same - because if you don’t have any patches, the context can’t change.

Now “cons”:

(:>:) :: p wX wY -> FL p wY wZ -> FL p wX wZ

Given an existing FL p, this constructor adds a single patch to the beginning of the list - i.e. earlier in “time”/patch application order. The ending context of the single patch is the starting context of the rest of the list.

Contrast this with RL:

-- | Reverse lists
data RL p wX wZ where
    (:<:) :: RL p wX wY -> p wY wZ -> RL p wX wZ
    NilRL :: RL p wX wX

Here NilRL has the same type as NilFL, but for (:<:), the starting context of the single patch is the ending context of the rest of the list.

The difference between FL and RL is akin to the difference between “cons” and “snoc” lists, but because of the type witnesses, the two types are not isomorphic.

The structure of the two types means that FL is well-suited when you want fast access to the patches in the list that are earlier in time, whereas RL is appropriate when you want fast access to the patches that are later in time.





What do I do with?

Fragments of explanations

Here are little fragments from our past that point in that direction. We need a proper comprehensive document in the long run.

  • see thread parent for the context, and an example of why you’d want something like IsEq

See also